Rapunzel's Hazelnut soup from Tangled

Rapunzel' favourite soup is hazelnut soup. This warming comfort food not only warms your heart, it also makes you wanna snuggle in your sofa. Great for the welcoming of a fresh page of spring. Here's how to re-create the inspired hazelnut soup from Tangled using butternut squash.


servings : 2 bowls   prep time: 15 minutes  cook time: 15 minutes 
difficulty : easy

  • 1/4 butternut squash
  • 1 bowl of hazelnuts
  • 1 turnip / parsnip
  • Half an onion
  • Pinches of Oregano 
  •  Few pinches of Black Pepper 
  • 1 pinch of Salt


 Cut butternut squash into small pieces, put them in a pot of boiling water and have them boiled until soft. This could take up to 10 minutes
Use a hand food blender to blend the squash (or put them onto a plate and use a fork to mash them until it turns into a mash) 

 Heat the frying pan with oil and place some chopped onions and pan fry them lightly. Cut turnips/ parsnips (i cut them in circles) and lightly pan fry them on the pan. Add water to simmer until the turnips are all soft. 

  Put the butternut squash mash back into the the pot. Add a bowl of water and cook the mixture. Stir the mixture and add the pan-fried turnips and onions into the pot. Add a handful of hazelnuts into the pot as well. Cook for 3 minutes. Add pinches of salt, oregano and black pepper for taste. 

                          Serve the soup in a bowl and garnish it with some hazelnuts and oregano.

Watch my YouTube Tutorial Here:


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